First Time Guest? Here’s what you can expect…

  • Word-Centered Worship: At Sycamore, we believe that the Bible is God’s infallible standard for all of life. Everything we do in worship is to be defined by the teaching of God through Scripture. Our worship is to be grounded in God’s Word, for God’s glory. This belief informs everything we do in our Lord’s Day gatherings: from the public reading of Scripture to the singing of theologically-grounded hymns, to corporate prayer, expositional preaching through books of the Bible, and proper administration of baptism and the Lord’s Supper.

  • Whole Family Worship: Sycamore is home to families of all ages, and we gladly welcome children into our worship gatherings. We believe it is vital for parents to raise their children in the teaching of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4). Having children in worship can make for some extra background noise, but we love the sound of families worshiping together. In the case that a kid is being overly-disruptive, we do have an area for parents to take them out of the sanctuary if needed.

  • Traditional & Modern Hymn Singing: Our worship team leads the congregation in singing hymns of praise both old and new. We seek to worship Christ in spirit and in truth (John 4:24). When you visit Sycamore, you can expect to hear a congregation who loves singing songs that are rich in gospel truth and magnify Jesus Christ as Lord.

  • Informal Dress: You are welcome to join us wearing a t-shirt, or a tie, or anything in between. There is no expectation to dress in a specific manner, so come as you are!

  • Rich Community: Each Sunday we gather thirty minutes before service for a time of fellowship and snacks. Many families will stay after service to visit. We hold monthly potlucks for our church family and guests to gather together for a meal.

Contact Us Today to Plan Your Visit!